Contest Citation
Contesting a Citation
If you do not agree with the citation, you may enter a not guilty plea by mail or by appearing at the clerk's office. The violation must be an infraction that does not require a mandatory appearance. The court trial will be set within 15 to 45 days. The officer who issued the citation will be present at the court trial.
To Request a Court Date By Mail (Infractions Only)
By mail, return the reminder notice form with the “I want to contest my ticket (plead not guilty)" box checked and signed by you, or your attorney, along with the signed statement of rights.
To Request a Court Date In Person (Infractions Only)
You may request a court trial date in person at the Traffic Division. You will not have to pay the ticket to schedule a trial.
To Request a Court Trial By Written Declaration (Infraction Vehicle Code Violations Only)
Instead of contesting your citation in court, you may request a Trial by Written Declaration. This option is available for vehicle code infractions only.
By mail, Return the signed Statement of Rights and reminder notice with the boxes "Contest ticket (plead not guilty) and "court trial by written declaration" checked . The court will then mail you forms TR-200 Instructions to Defendant and TR-205 Request for Trial by Written Declaration to fill out, which you will need to return by the due date along with full payment of your ticket. If you are found not guilty, you will be issued a refund.
In person at the Traffic Division, the clerk will provide you with forms TR-200 Instructions to Defendant, TR-205 Request for Trial by Written Declaration and Statement of Rights to complete and return to the court by the due date along with full payment of your ticket. If you are found not guilty, you will be issued a refund.
If you are eligible for traffic school and wish to exercise the option to attend traffic school in the event the judge finds you guilty, you must also include the traffic school fee with your fine.
The officer who issued the citation will also be asked to submit form TR-235 Officer’s Declaration. The court will issue form TR-215 Decision and Notice of Decision and it will be sent to you by mail within 45 days.
If you do not agree with the Judge's decision after a trial by written declaration you may file form TR-220 Request for New Trial within 20 days of the date of mailing the Decision and Notice of Decision.
Appeals (Infractions Only)
If you do not agree with the Judge's decision after a court trial you may file an appeal. Instructions for filing an appeal are provided in the Judicial Council publication Information on Appeal Procedures for Infractions (CR-141-INFO). Your appeal must be filed within 30 days after the trial court makes it judgment in your case or issues the order you are appealing. This deadline cannot be extended.
To file an appeal, complete the Judicial Council form Notice of Appeal and Record of Oral Proceedings (Infraction) (CR-142), sign it and return the original and one copy to the Court. Visit the Appeals page for additional information.